Use and Care
Ideas to Help
You Save Money
Central Air Conditioning
PUB. NO. 22-5150-03-497 (EN)
How it works to
keep you comfortable.
Your central air conditioner is designed to work with your
indoor furnace and give you years of dependable service.
Your new central air conditioning system is designed to give you years of comfort
and dependable performance. It will cool every room in your house — and use less
energy to do it than ever before.
The reason: we’ve improved the compressor in many of our units. Now it pumps the
heat out of your home more efficiently. And we’ve made our new coils bigger, so they
dispose of this heat more quickly.
Your central air conditioner filters and dehumidifies.
As the Trane air conditioner circulates the air, it also filters it.The result: less
housework for you, and a cleaner house year ’round.The air conditioner also
extracts excess moisture from the air inside your home, thus helping to control
humidity in muggy summer months.
At the end of the cooling season, it’s easy to deactivate the air conditioner. Simply
move the thermostat switch to HEAT. Now the furnace takes over. And the blower
that circulated cool air in the summer now circulates warm air to keep you
comfortable during the cold months.
Easy maintenance reduces
electricity use.
Both methods are quick and easy — and
guaranteed to improve the performance of your
A clean filter saves money.
When the air conditioner circulates and filters the
air in your home, dust and dirt particles build up
on the filter. Excessive accumulation can block
the airflow, forcing the unit to work harder to
maintain desired temperatures.
How to remove your filter.
Ask your Trane dealer where the filter is located
when he installs your system. In most cases there
will be one filter behind the bottom panel of your
indoor unit.
And the harder your unit has to work, the more
energy it uses. So you pay more any time your
system is running with a dirty filter.
Help ensure top efficiency by
Cleaning or replacing the filter
once a month.
When replacing your furnace filters, always use
the same size and type that was originally
supplied. Filters are available from your dealer.
Clean it twice a month during seasons when the
unit runs more often.
You can leave the filter in the frame and vacuum
it. Or you can take it out of the frame and wash it
like a sponge.
Where disposable filters are used, they must be
replaced every month with the same size as
originally supplied.
(continued on page 4)
Pub. No. 22-5150-03-497 (EN)
sure that nothing is stacked against the sides of
the unit or draped over it.
But your unit may have two filters.
In either case, removing the filter is easy. See the
owners manual furnished with the indoor unit.
Just be sure to replace it with the arrows on it
pointing in the direction of the airflow.
Making sure that your outdoor unit is kept clear at
all times helps it work at peak efficiency. And that
helps you save money.
Cut operating costs by keeping outdoor unit
clear of the debris, leaves and shrubbery.
CAUTION:Whenever your house is to be
vacant, arrange to have someone inspect
your house for proper temperature.This is
very important in below freezing weather.
If for any reason your heating system
should fail to operate, damage could
result, such as frozen water pipes.
Efficient operation of your air conditioner depends
on the free flow of air over the coil. Anything that
blocks the airflow, causes the compressor to work
harder to move the warm air out of your house.
To avoid overworking your unit, do not plant
flowers or shrubbery right next to it. Also, make
How to operate your system
to save electricity
programmable thermostat has up to four setup or
Just set the temperature you want.
Never stop the system by shutting
off the main power.
setback periods each day, plus weekend and
vacation programs. It saves energy while it keeps
you comfortable day or night.
Here’s how: place the system switch on COOL, and
the fan switch on AUTO.Then set the temperature
by using the indicator on the thermostat* control.
If the main power is ever disconnected for more
than three hours, turn off the thermostat.Then wait
for at least three more hours after power has been
restored before turning the thermostat back on.
Failure to follow this procedure could result in
damage to your system.
Let the thermostat do its job.
Your system will perform most efficiently when you
let the thermostat control it.Turning the system on
and off manually is usually much less efficient. So
let the thermostat do its job.You’ll be sure to save
CAUTION: If unit is not operational during the
cold weather months, provisions must be taken
to prevent freeze-up of all water pipes and
water receptacles.
We recommend keeping the temperature setting at
78°F for cooling, 68°F for heating. But you can
select the temperature you’re most comfortable with.
Now your system will cool your house whenever the
indoor temperature climbs above the thermostat
setting. It will shut off when the desired room
temperature is reached.
How to help reduce summer
The point is, once you’ve set the thermostat, keep
subsequent adjustments to a minimum.
In summer, your air conditioner does more than
cool the air. It also helps remove the excess
moisture that can make the inside of your home
feel muggy.When removing this moisture your
system must work harder than when simply cooling
the air.
In winter, it works the same way.When the system
switch is on HEAT, the system will operate
whenever the room temperature falls below the
temperature setting. Once the desired temperature
is reached, the system will shut off.
At all other times, let the thermostat keep you
comfortable. And keep energy bills down.
Don’t waste money heating and
cooling when you don’t need to.
Carefully read the accompanying thermostat
manual for operating instructions.
When you’re going to be away from home for a few
days — or when outdoor temperatures are
That’s why kitchens, bathrooms and utility rooms
should have vents and exhaust fans.These devices
help prevent accumulation of moisture throughout
the rest of the house. So your air conditioner works
less to keep you comfortable. And that helps keep
operating cost down.
moderate — don’t let the air conditioner run unnec-
essarily. Lower the thermostat to 55°F in the winter.
And raise it to 85°F in summer.Then when you
return — or when temperature conditions dictate —
you can reset the system and it will immediately
begin making your home comfortable again.
Save energy with an electronic
programmable thermostat.
Just program the thermostat* for the temperatures
you are most comfortable with.The Trane electronic
*Operation accessory, purchased separately.
Pub. No. 22-5150-03-497 (EN)
The Problem Solver.
A central air conditioner is not a household
appliance. It’s a complex self-contained system
hat requires professional maintenance and repair.
Save time and money. Before you call for service, check the following:
Possible cause
Insufficient heating
or cooling
a. dirty filters
b. air not circulating freely
a. clean or replace
b. check supply registers and
dampers for blockage
That’s why attempts at “do-it-yourself” repairs
on an in-warranty unit may void the remainder
of your warranty.
c. blocked outdoor coil
a. power off
c. clear away leaves or other debris
Other than performing the simple maintenance
recommended in this manual, you should not
attempt to make any adjustments to your central air
conditioning system.Your dealer will be able to take
care of any questions or problems you may have.
Failure to operate
a. make sure main switch is in ON
b. reset circuit breaker, or replace
b. open circuit breaker or
burned-out fuses
c. improperly adjusted
c. check setting, adjust thermostat
Keep your air conditioner looking
like new for years.
No Heating or Cooling —
Blower does not
Blower door removed
or ajar
Close door securely to restore power
to blower
Clean the enamel finish of your air conditioner with
ordinary soap and water. For stubborn grease
spots, use a household detergent. Lacquer thinner
or other synthetic solvents may damage the finish.
Unusual Noise
Call your local servicer
IMPORTANT: If you have a cooling coil installed
with your unit, condensate drains should be
checked and cleaned periodically to assure that
condensate can drain freely from coil to drain. If
condensate cannot drain freely water damage
could occur.
all good things, the Trane-provided limited
warranty on your new comfort equipment will
come to an end.To keep you protected, Trane
offers you the Extended Warranty Program. It
picks up right where your Trane limited warranty
leaves off. And, it offers you years and years of
reliable protection at a low cost. Ask your dealer
for program details.
2. Coverage that may include parts only or
parts and labor for the duration of the
agreement. Be certain you read the
Extended Warranty for complete details
and exclusions.
3. Service work performed by servicers
knowledgeable of the operation of Trane
Reduce the burden of
unexpected repair bills with
aTrane Extended Warranty.
The Trane Extended Warranty provides:
1. The opportunity to purchase coverage in five,
or ten year increments.
Trane offers the finest quality products and
manufacturer’s warranties on the market. But, like
Extra Energy Tips.
up with caulking, weatherstripping or plastic.
Also weatherstrip and caulk around all
entrance doors and windows.
7. Remember that by increasing the glass area,
you increase the amount of heat added in
summer and lost in winter.
1. Make sure your home is properly insulated.
This is the single most important step in
conserving energy.Thermal insulation should
be specified in terms of thermal resistance
(R-values). R-30 (10") is recommended for
ceilings, R-11 (3½") for exterior walls and
floors over unheated areas. In colder
3. Cut heat transfer through your windows by
40 to 50% with double glazing (two panes of
glass separated by a sealed air space).
8. Keep the overhead door of an attached
garage closed.This will block cold winds from
infiltrating the connecting door between the
house and garage.
4. Use wood or metal-frame storm windows
even if single-glazed windows are high
quality.The extra layer of glass and the layer
of still air will cut heat transfer considerably.
9. Make sure fireplaces have tight-fitting
dampers which can be closed when the
fireplace is not in use.
climates, consider additional insulation.
2. Infiltration of humid outside air is your heating
and cooling system’s worst enemy — it could
account for 15 to 30% of air conditioning
energy requirements. Find the places where
air can sneak into the home and plug them
5. Install storm doors at all entrances to your
10. Invest in a humidifier to conserve energy in
wintertime.The air in your home won’t be as
dry, so you stay comfortable at a lower
6. Keep all windows and doors closed.
temperature setting.
(continued on page 6)
Pub. No. 22-5150-03-497 (EN)
Extra Energy Tips. (cont.)
17. When building a new house or renovating an
old one, choose light-colored roof shingles to
reflect more of the sun’s heat.
bucket of water out of the bottom of the tank
as it may be full of sediment.
11. Locate the thermostat on an inside wall away
from windows and doors.
24. Add an extra layer of protection with a water
heater insulation kit. It will keep the heat from
being lost through the walls of your tank.
18. During moderate weather, don’t use the air
conditioner unnecessarily.
12. Set the thermostat as low as comfort permits.
Each degree over 68°F can add 3% to the
amount of energy needed for heating.
19. Draw blinds or drapes to block the sunlight
during the hottest part of the day.
25. Locate water heaters as close to the points
of hot water as possible. (The longer the
supply pipe, the more heat lost.)
13. People generate heat. So lower the
thermostat a degree or two when expecting a
large group of guests. Otherwise your home
may be wastefully overheated.
20. Install awnings over windows exposed to
direct sunlight.
26. Repair leaky faucets promptly. A steady drip
of water can waste many gallons per month
and the energy used to heat it.
21. In the cooling season, don’t run kitchen and
bath exhaust fans longer than necessary.
27. Running water is wasted water. When you
shave, use a sink stopper. When you
handwash dishes, use a dishpan.
22. Don’t place lamps, TV sets or other heat-
producing devices beneath a wall-mounted
thermostat. Rising heat from the equipment
may cause the air conditioner system to
overcool your house.
14. When possible, locate any window air
conditioning units on the north or shady side
of the house.
Clean and check
15. Set the thermostat as high as comfort will
28. It is recommended that an annual “clean and
check” be performed on heating / air
Water heating
16. Make sure attics are adequately ventilated to
relieve heat build-up. If necessary, improve
airflow by adding or enlarging vents.
conditioning equipment. Call your local Trane
service professional for details.
23. Keep your water heating system properly
maintained. Once or twice a year, drain a
Important Service Information.
It’s always a good idea to keep records which will save you time and money. If it’s necessary to have your air conditioner repaired, the service man will want
to know if your unit is still under Warranty.To save time, take a few minutes to record the following information here:
Outdoor Model Number ______________________________________________________________________________________________________
Indoor Model Number ________________________________________________________________________________________________________
Thermostat Model Number ___________________________________________________________________________________________________
Date of Purchase ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________
Dealer _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
Service Information
Call your installing dealer if the unit is inoperative. Before you call, always check the following to be sure service is really required:
a. Be sure the main switch that supplies power to the unit is in the ON position.
b. Replace any burned-out fuses or reset circuit breakers.
c. Be sure the thermostat is properly set.
Service Phone ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________
The Trane Company
Unitary Products Group
6200 Troup Highway
Tyler, TX 75707
Since the Trane Company has a policy of continuous product improvement, it reserves the right to change
the specifications and design without notice.
An American-Standard Company
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