Cisco Systems Home Theater Server EDCS 154011 User Manual

Integrating Cisco Secure PIX Firewall and IP/VC  
Videoconferencing Networks  
An IP/VC Application Note  
Jonathan Roberts  
Network Consultant Engineer  
Enterprise Voice, Video Business Unit  
September 24, 2001  
Copyright © 2001 Cisco Systems, Inc.  
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This paper explains how to set up the Cisco Secure PIX firewall for use in Cisco IP/VC  
H.323 deployments. The configuration that will be shown below will be a two-interface  
PIX 515 running version 6.01 and utilizing NAT. The goals of this paper are:  
1. Describe the issues with firewalls and H.323  
2. Describe how to set up the firewall to allow H.323 video traffic to pass  
3. Describe how to allow a terminal outside the firewall to register with a GK on the  
inside of the firewall.  
4. Describe how to allow a terminal outside the firewall to communicate with a  
terminal on the inside of the firewall.  
Where appropriate, this paper refers to existing procedures in the following Cisco user  
Cisco IP/VC Videoconferencing Design Guide  
Managing Cisco Network Security  
This guide assumes the user has basic PIX knowledge. For detailed PIX configuration  
steps, see the online documentation below:  
Use the following link to download PIX code:  
Note: For those who are new to the Cisco IP/VC videoconferencing product family and  
the Cisco Secure PIX Firewall, it is highly recommended that you first review the users  
guides referenced above, as this paper is designed to enhance your understanding of the  
products beyond that of the new user.  
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Issues with Firewalls and H.323  
What makes H.323 so cumbersome to run through a firewall is its use of multiple data  
ports for a single call. For an H.323 call to take place it must first open an H.225  
connection on TCP port 1720, using Q.931 signaling. After this has taken place, the  
H.245 management session is established. While this can take place on a separate  
channel from the H.225 setup it can also be done using H.245 tunneling, which takes the  
H.245 messages and embeds them in the Q.931 messages in the previously established  
H.225 channel.  
At this point the H.245 session opens dynamically assigned ports for the UDP-based  
RTP/RTCP video and audio data streams. These ports can range from 1024 to 65535.  
Since these ports are not known in advance, and since it would defeat the purpose of a  
firewall to open all these ports, a firewall must be able to “snoop” the H.323 data stream  
in order to open the additional ports needed for the call. This is also known as stateful  
An additional problem encountered with most firewalls is the use of NAT (see “What is  
NAT” below for more information). Within H.323, the H.225 and H.245 signaling  
channels make heavy use of the embedded IP address. An example could be the  
following: A terminal has a private address of, which gets translated to when it tries to place a call to an H.323 terminal with an IP address of on the outside network. The terminal on the outside will still receive the  
private address within the H.225 signaling stream. Since this is a non-routable address,  
an attempt to make a connection back will fail. One way to get around this problem is to  
use an H.323-aware NAT firewall, which can rewrite the addresses in the signaling  
What is the Cisco Secure PIX Firewall?  
Formerly known as the PIX Firewall, the Cisco Secure PIX Firewall series is the highest-  
performance, enterprise-class firewall product line within the Cisco firewall family. The  
integrated hardware/software PIX Firewall series delivers high security without  
impacting network performance, scaling to meet the entire range of customer  
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What is NAT?  
Network Address Translation (NAT) is designed for IP address simplification and  
conservation, as it enables private IP internetworks that use nonregistered IP addresses to  
connect to the Internet. NAT can operate on the PIX or a router, usually connecting two  
networks together, and translates the private (not globally unique) addresses in the  
internal network into globally unique addresses before packets are forwarded onto  
another network. As part of this functionality, NAT can be configured to advertise only  
one address for the entire network to the outside world. This provides additional security,  
effectively hiding the entire internal network from the world. NAT has the dual  
functionality of security and address conservation and is typically implemented in remote  
access environments.  
There are three types of NAT available to the PIX.  
-Static NAT – Static NAT is when each host on the internal network is permanently or  
statically mapped to an address on the external network. Because this in not a dynamic  
assignment process, a certain amount of administrative overhead is involved with this  
-Dynamic NAT – Dynamic NAT intercepts traffic from a host on the internal network  
and maps it to an externally registered Internet Protocol (IP) address available from a  
pool of addresses maintained by the PIX Firewall. All translations are stored in a table to  
allow the traffic to make its way back to the internal host.  
-PAT – Think of PAT as the port traffic version of NAT. Traffic is identified and routed  
through a single IP address assigned to an external interface on the firewall. PAT maps  
the source address of internal host connections to a single IP address on the external  
interface. The PIX Firewall selects and assigns the packets a new (TCP or UDP) source  
number. The port remapping is tracked by the PIX Firewall to ensure that traffic has a  
circuitous route.  
Implementing NAT for use with in-bound H.323 traffic  
For the purpose of this paper we will look at using a Static NAT environment, since this  
will allow outside callers to easily connect to systems on the inside of the firewall. The  
reason for choosing this is simple. If we were to use Dynamic NAT, after a user-  
configurable timeout period, during which there have been no translated packets for a  
particular address mapping, the entry is removed from the translation table and that  
address is freed for use by another inside host. By contrast, if we use Static NAT, you  
will give an inside host a permanent outside address and no time outs will occur. This  
will be especially useful for gatekeeper interaction.  
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How to configure the Cisco Secure PIX Firewall to allow H.323 traffic  
For this configuration we will assume the following, which is depicted in figure 1:  
The Firewall is a PIX 515 with two interfaces.  
A Gatekeeper with an internal IP address of and an external IP address  
An H.323 terminal with an internal IP address of and an external IP  
address of  
A Cisco IP/VC 3510 MCU with an internal IP address of and an  
external IP address of  
An H.323 terminal residing outside the firewall with an IP address of  
Figure 1: Two Interface PIX with NAT Diagram  
H.323 Terminal  
IP Addr:  
Cisco MCM Gatekeeper/Proxy  
IP Addr:  
H.323 Terminal  
IP Addr: IP Addr:  
H.323 Terminal  
Cisco IP/VC 3510 MCU  
IP Addr:  
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Table 1: Two Interface PIX with NAT Configuration  
Configuration Description  
nameif ethernet0 outside security0  
nameif ethernet1 inside security100  
interface ethernet0 10baset  
PIX Firewall provides nameif and interface command  
statements for the interfaces in the default configuration. Change  
the default auto option in the interface command to the specific  
line speed for the interface card.  
interface ethernet1 10baset  
Fixup protocol h323 1720  
The fixup protocol commands let you view, change, enable, or  
disable the use of a service or protocol through the PIX Firewall.  
This command will show up in configuration by default.  
Identify the IP addresses for both interfaces.  
ip address outside  
ip address inside  
arp timeout 14400  
Set the ARP timeout to 14,400 seconds (four hours). Entries are  
kept in the ARP table for four hours before they are flushed.  
Permit all inside users to start outbound connections using the  
translated IP addresses from the global pool.  
nat (inside) 1 0 0  
global (outside) 1  
global (outside) 1  
Create a pool of global addresses for use when they exiting the  
firewall from the protected networks to the unprotected  
networks. The global command statement is associated with a  
nat command statement by the NAT ID, which in this example is  
1. Because there are limited IP addresses in the pool, a PAT (Port  
Address Translation) global is added to handle overflow.  
Sets the outside default route to the router attached to the  
Route outside 1  
static (inside,outside) netmask 0 0  
static (inside,outside) netmask 0 0  
The static command creates a permanent mapping (called a  
static translation slot or "xlate") between a local IP address and a  
global IP address. Needed in a NAT environment to allow  
inbound H.323 Calls.  
static (inside,outside) netmask 0 0  
timeout xlate 3:00:00  
Sets default values for the maximum duration that PIX Firewall  
resources can remain idle until being freed. Additional users  
cannot make connections until a connection resource is freed  
either by a user dropping a connection or by an xlate and conn  
timer time out.  
timeout conn 1:00:00 half-closed 0:10:00  
udp 0:02:00 rpc 0:10:00 h323 0:05:00  
sip 0:30:00 sip_media 0:02:00  
timeout uauth 0:05:00 absolute  
access-list acl_out permit icmp any any  
access-group acl_out in interrface outside  
access-list acl_out permit udp any host  
eq 1719  
Allows inbound and outbound pings.  
The access-list command lets you specify if an IP address is  
permitted or denied access to a port or protocol. Port 1719 needs  
to be opened for Gatekeeper traffic, Port 2720 for the Cisco 3510  
MCU, and Port 1820 for the Cisco 3520/3525 Gateway.  
access-list acl_out permit tcp any host  
eq h323  
access-list acl_out permit tcp any host  
eq 2720  
no snmp-server location  
no snmp-server contact  
snmp-server community public  
telnet timeout 15  
Specifies that SNMP information may be accessed by internal  
hosts that know the community string, but PIX Firewall does not  
send trap information to any host.  
Specifies that host is permitted to access the PIX  
Firewall console via Telnet and that 15 minutes are allowed  
before the idle timer runs out and the session is logged off.  
Sets the maximum transmission unit value for Ethernet access.  
mtu outside 1500  
mtu inside 1500  
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Breaking down the PIX configuration  
Fixup protocol Command  
The first thing that we will look at in the PIX configuration is the H.323 Fixup Protocol.  
The H.323 fixup on PIX enables users to allow H.323 traffic to pass though the PIX.  
The two major functions of the fixup are to:  
1. NAT the necessary embedded IPv4 addresses in the H.225 and H.245 signaling  
channels. Since H.323 messages are encoded in PER encoding format, PIX uses an  
ASN.1 decoder to decode the H.323 messages.  
2. Dynamically allocate the negotiated H245 and RTP/RTCP messages. The PIX  
administrator must open a conduit for the well-known H.323 port 1720 for the H.225 call  
signaling, however, he/she doesn't know on what ports the H.245 signaling will take  
place since the H.245 signaling channel is negotiated between the endpoints in the H.225  
signaling. The PIX will dynamically allocate the H.245 channel after inspecting the  
H.225 messages and then "hookup" the H.245 channel to be fixed up as well. That  
means whatever H.245 messages pass thru the PIX, the PIX will pass it thru the H.245  
fixup, NATing embedded IP addresses and opening the negotiated media channels.  
The H.323 ITU standard requires that the H.225 and H.245 messages be preceded by a  
TPKT header to define the length of the message since it is passed on the reliable  
connection. Since the TPKT header does not necessarily need to be sent in the same TCP  
packet as the H.225/H.245 message, PIX must remember the TPKT length in order to  
process/decode the messages properly. PIX keeps a data structure for each connection,  
and that data structure contains the TPKT length for the next expected message.  
If the PIX needs to NAT any IP addresses, then it will have to change the checksum, the  
UUIE (user-user information element) length, and the TPKT, IF included with the  
H225/H245 message.  
Each connection with a packet going thru the H.323 fixup will be marked as an H.323  
connection and will timeout with the H.323 timeout as configured by the user via the  
"timeout" command.  
Static command  
The static command creates a permanent mapping (called a static translation slot or  
"xlate") between a local IP address and a global IP address. Use the static and access-list  
commands when you are accessing an interface of a higher security level from an  
interface of a lower security level; for example, when accessing the inside from a  
perimeter or the outside interface. The command syntax for this command is as follows:  
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static [(internal_if_name, external_if_name)] global_ip local_ip [netmask  
network_mask] [max_conns [em_limit]] [norandomseq]  
In the configuration from Table XX, the static command is implemented in this manner:  
static (inside,outside) netmask 0 0  
static (inside,outside) netmask 0 0  
static (inside,outside) netmask 0 0  
For each H.323 terminal, MCU and Gateway on the inside that you would like an  
external terminal to have access to will require a static entry in the PIX configuration.  
Likewise, if you would like external terminals to access a gatekeeper on the inside, a  
static entry will need to be created as well. One way to get around needing to add  
multiple static entries would be to implement the Cisco Multimedia Conference Manager  
The Cisco Multimedia Conference Manager (MCM) is a Cisco IOS software component  
that supplies gatekeeper and proxy functions for an H.323 video network. The Cisco  
IOS based gatekeeper allows large H.323 video networks to be built and managed on  
Cisco hardware. The proxy supplies needed functions that are not currently supplied by  
devices in some IP networks. Functions such as QoS, access to NAT networks, and  
firewall access are some of the functions that the proxy supplies.  
Access-list command  
The access-list command lets you specify if an IP address is permitted or denied access  
to a port or protocol. In this document, one or more access-list command statements with  
the same access list name are referred to as an "access list." The command syntax for this  
command is as follows:  
access-list acl_ID [deny | permit] protocol {source_addr | local_addr} {source_mask |  
local_mask} operator port {destination_addr |remote_addr} {destination_mask |  
remote_mask} operator port  
In the configuration from Table XX, the access-list is created in this manner:  
access-list acl_out permit udp any host eq 1719  
access-list acl_out permit tcp any host eq h323  
access-list acl_out permit tcp any host eq 2720  
Here we are allowing any external unit to access the gatekeeper with an IP address of through port 1719. This will be needed for RAS messages to pass back  
and forth. Also any external unit may access the H.323 terminal at IP address on port h323 (1720), h323 or 1720 may be used interchangeably.  
Because of the use of the fixup protocol h323, it will not be necessary to create additional  
access-list commands to open other ports for H.323 communication. Lastly for the Cisco  
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IP/VC 3510 MCU with the IP address of, port 2720 will need to be  
Use the following guidelines for specifying a source, local, or destination address:  
-Use a 32-bit quantity in four-part, dotted-decimal format.  
-Use the keyword any as an abbreviation for an address and mask of This keyword is normally not recommended for use with IPSec.  
-Use host address as an abbreviation for a mask of  
Use the following guidelines for specifying a network mask:  
-Do not specify a mask if the address is for a host; if the destination address is for  
a host, use the host parameter before the address; for example:  
access-list acl_out permit tcp any host  
-If the address is a network address, specify the mask as a 32-bit quantity in four-  
part, dotted-decimal format. Place zeros in the bit positions you want to ignore.  
-Remember that you specify a network mask differently than with the Cisco IOS  
software access-list command. With PIX Firewall, use for a Class A  
address, for a Class B address, and for a Class C  
address. If you are using a subnetted network address, use the appropriate network  
mask; for example:  
access-list acl_out permit tcp any  
Access-group command  
In order to make sure that the access list is applied to a specific interface, the access-  
group command needs to be entered. The command syntax for this command is as  
access-group acl_ID in interface interface_name  
In the configuration from Table XX, the access-group is applied to the outside interface  
in this manner:  
access-group acl_out in interface outside  
The access-group command binds an access list to an interface. The access list is  
applied to traffic inbound to an interface. If you enter the permit option in an access-list  
command statement, the PIX Firewall continues to process the packet. If you enter the  
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deny option in an access-list command statement, PIX Firewall discards the packet and  
generates the following syslog message:  
%PIX-4-106019: IP packet from source_addr to destination_addr, protocol protocol  
received from interface interface_name deny by access-group acl_ID  
Always use the access-list command with the access-group command.  
Typical Ports used for H.323 traffic  
H.235 secure signaling  
T.120 Data  
Gatekeeper discovery  
Gatekeeper RAS  
H.323 call set-up  
Audio call control  
Cisco IP/VC GW  
Cisco IP/VC MCU  
Terminal MCU Gateway  
RTP (video)  
RTP (audio)  
RTCP (control)  
Helpful Links  
Cisco Secure PIX Configuration Forms  
Performance of PIX in H.323  
Microsoft’s How to Establish NetMeeting Connections Through a Firewall  
Cisco's PIX Firewall and Stateful Firewall Security  
Other Cisco Secure PIX Firewall configuration examples  
PIX Top Issues  
Pix Support Page  
How NAT Works  
Copyright © 2001 Cisco Systems, Inc.  
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